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  • Maximise Collaboration with Conversations & The Feed Widget

    Maximise Collaboration with Conversations & The Feed Widget
    As we continue to evolve and refine our project portfolio management tool, we wanted to take a moment to shine a spotlight on Conversations together with the Feed Widget that’s been quietly transforming the way project and product teams collaborate using PPO.
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  • It’s now easier to view & update items

    It's now easier to view & update items
    Previously when you viewed feed items or items from your home page PPO may have opened the item in the same tab or in some cases in a new tab. This was dependent on the widget and was confusing to users. We’ve fixed this and now it’s easier and consistent. See how.
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  • Setting default column sort orders

    Setting default column sort orders
    We’ve recently enhanced PPO to allow both administrators (for all user) and users to set their own default column sort orders for each entity. Previously, users could only set a single sort order per entity and administrators could not control the default sort order. In some cases (like tasks) setting a default sort order (ie. ...
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