Version 2.3.5 – June 2009 Released!

Version 2.3.5 June 2009Version 2.3.5 is now available and includes further benefits for all our clients! The latest release includes:

Improve accuracy of on-line users – The number of users currently on-line displayed on the home page has been improved to provide a more accurate reflection, taking into account multiple sessions and abandoned sessions.

Display file size limit – PPO has a pre-configured maximum file size that limits the size of files that users are allowed to upload (by default this is 4MB). In order to reduce the number of errors resulting from users uploading files that are larger than this limit, the maximum is now clearly shown next to the file browse button (

Allow attachments to the POP3 handler – PPO allows for the processing of incoming e-mails for automation purposes. This component has now been improved to allow attachments to also be processed, making it possible to automatically create documents in PPO on the basis of the attachment (

Improvements to the automated report mailer – Allow specific recipients to be cc’d on report e-mails.

We look forward to hearing your feedback and providing further benefits for our future planned upgrades!

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Author: Jimmy Hekma

Jimmy is one of the founders of Project Portfolio Office and is the companies Chief Technology Officer and heads up the Product Management team.