Author: Guy Jelley

Guy is one of the founders of PPO and is the company’s CEO. He is very passionate about the Project Management industry, and through this also very driven. Guy is a husband & father of 2, loves jazz, soccer and is a huge Spurs fan.

Digitising Project Outputs

While some Project Portfolio Management (PPM) tools automate some of the required project and portfolio status report, when we developed PPO we automated a number of the key project management documents that an organisation would mandate their project managers to complete.

Reflecting on our 19th Year (one of our busiest!)

As we bid farewell to another year, I look back with immense pride at our team and the progress we’ve made. 2023 was a year that we chose to focus on accelerating our product roadmap to improve and enhance PPO.

Things to consider when introducing Timesheets

It’s common practice for the project management office (PMO) to be tasked with introducing timesheets for the organisation’s projects. Irrespective of why timesheets are required, we’ve put together a few things for the PMO to consider.

Dashboards Receive a Major Upgrade

Today we have deployed the new PPO dashboards with an improved chart component which now includes new graph types (activity, gullet and gauge graphs) and support for drill down, click throughs, zoom and much much more…

Simplifying Task Imports and Supporting Mac & Google Sheet Users

Over time however we saw more and more users moving away from complex scheduling tools like MSP and thus we allowed users to make use of an Excel template to create simple project plans and import this into PPO. Today we are releasing a new template for Google Sheet users and a dramatically simplified Excel template that can be used by both Window and Apple users in a much simpler way.

Introducing Board Views: A new PPO feature in data visualisation

Today we are excited to announce the launch of another great feature, Board Views. This innovative addition to PPO will transform the way users interact with and visualise their data, offering a seamless and dynamic experience that empowers organisations to make more informed decisions.

New Season, New Improvements

We’ve been working hard in the last couple of months to make PPO easier and simpler to use for our users. Several the improvements we’ve made have come directly from ideas that you, our administrators, have logged on our community portal, so thank you, and please keep logging your ideas to make PPO better.

Is there really a way to address resource allocation, planning & utilisation?

resource allocation
Every day at Project Portfolio Office (PPO) we have the pleasure of working with organisations that use a variety of methodologies and tools, and that cover almost all industries and sectors. The one common factor amongst all of these organisations is that they have committed to moving their businesses forward by embracing project management. Some … Continue reading "Is there really a way to address resource allocation, planning & utilisation?"

What Is a Project?

With the growth and change in different work management practices such as a more agile approach to delivery, lean management and even hybrid or flexible working models, locations, and hours, the definition of what is or not a project is something that our clients ask us all the time.